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13 Sep 2021

Remaining Cross-Compliance Dates 2021: September to December

Remaining Cross-Compliance Dates 2021: September to December

The rules apply to all Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) claimants and are made up of statutory management requirements (SMRs) and standards for Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAECs).


Northern Ireland

·       1 Sep After harvesting any crops: appropriate measures must be put in place to limit soil erosion until 15 January 2022 (SMR1).

·       1 Sep End of closed period for hedge, tree and scrub cutting (GAEC 7).

·       15 Sep (midnight) Closed period for chemical fertiliser application starts (SMR 1).

·       30 Sep Buffer zones for slurry are increased to 15m from a waterway and 30m from a lake (SMR 1 and GAEC 1).


·       1 Sep Ban ends on cutting and trimming hedges (GAEC 7a and 7c).

·       1 Sep Start of closed period for applications of organic manure such as slurry, poultry manure and liquid digested sewage sludge to grassland on shallow or sandy soils (SMR 1).

·       1 Sep Start of closed period for applying manufactured nitrogen fertilisers to tillage land (SMR 1).

·       15 Sep Start of closed period for applying manufactured nitrogen fertilisers to grassland (SMR 1).

·       16 Sep Start of closed period for applying organic manure such as slurry, poultry manure and liquid digested sewage sludge to tillage land on shallow or sandy soils that has been sown with crops on or before 15 September (SMR 1).


·       1 Sep Start of closed period for application of organic manure with a highly readily nitrogen content to grassland on shallow or sandy soils (SMR1).

·       1 Sep Start of closed period for applying manufactured nitrogen fertilisers to tillage land (SMR 1).

·       15 Sep Start of closed period for applying manufactured nitrogen fertilisers to grassland (SMR 1).


Northern Ireland

·       15 Oct (midnight) Closed period for application of organic manures, including slurry, poultry litter, sewage, sludge and abattoir waste begins (SMR 1).

·       31 Oct (midnight) Closed period for application of farmyard manure begins (SMR1).


·       1 Oct Ban ends on burning heather, rough grass, bracken, gorse or vaccinium on land in upland areas (GAEC 6).

·       1 Oct Start of closed period for applying organic manure such as slurry, poultry manure and liquid digested sewage sludge to tillage land on heavier soils – not sandy or shallow (SMR 1).

·       15 Oct Start of closed period for applying organic manure such as slurry, poultry manure and liquid digested sewage sludge to grassland on deeper and heavier soils (SMR 1).

·       31 Oct 28-day window open for readings to be sent to the Environment Agency by holders of summer water abstraction licences (authorising abstraction wholly within the months of April to October) (GAEC 2).


·       1 Oct Start of closed period for applying organic manure with a highly readily available nitrogen content to tillage land on heavier soils (SMR 1).

·       1 Oct Start of six-month storage period for all slurry types.

·       1 Oct Burning heather, rough grass, vaccinium or gorse is permitted on upland areas from this date (GAEC 6).

·       15 Oct Start of closed period for applying organic manure with a highly readily available nitrogen content to grassland on heavier soils.



·       1 Nov Ban lifted on burning heather, rough grass, bracken, gorse or vaccinium in all areas (GAEC 6).

·       30 Nov Two-part tariff agreement holders for water abstraction licences should expect to receive the second-part charge (GAEC 2).


·       1 Nov Restrictions end on burning heather, rough grass, bracken gorse or vaccinium on all land types (GAEC 6).


All Regions

·       1 Dec Annual inventory of sheep and goats must be completed (SMR 8).


·       31 Dec Organic manure with a highly-readily available nitrogen content can be applied to grassland and tillage ground with sandy and shallow soils (SMR 1).

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Useful Downloads

Visit our Agricultural Requirements page for useful downloads including:

FCI England, FCI Northern Ireland, FCI Republic of Ireland, HP-CIA & High Genetic Sires Recommended List